21 August 2011


Cate has quickly progressed from just taking a couple steps to full on walking! Last Sunday she just decided to stand up and take off.  So 10 1/2 months, we'll say, and she's off!

I don't think I mentioned that Cate is up to six teeth, four on top, still just two on bottom.  She will use them to eat just about anything,  although apparently Chipolte is a little too spicy for her!

Today we had a family outing to the Potomac National Minor League baseball game.  It is nice and relaxed with lots of other kids (and dogs) running around for Cate to watch. She seemed to have a good time, bouncing up and down to the music over the announcing system.  She even did a little walking around, but she is still trying to figure out this shoe thing.  She crashed in the car on the way home.

Right now she is fighting off her first persistent diaper rash...sadly (for me!) we have had to keep her in disposables for the last few days until we get it treated.  I miss her cute little cloth-diapered heiny!!

07 August 2011

Two Steps!

Two steps could refer to a couple different things - including the area between the kitchen and living room that Cate keeps trying to dive off of - but in this case I am talking about Cate's progress walking.  A day after turning  ten months old, she took two steps on her own (at home and daycare, so we didn't just imagine it!).  Now I am not sure if we can call it walking yet, and she has taken at most three or four steps at at time, but we are getting there!

We, naturally, think she is the smartest baby ever.  Some of you have already seen her engineering mind at work...if you can't reach a book, find something to stand on and go for it!

She is also very adept at signing "more"...whether it be to get more food, read more books, or get more attention.  She also tries to sign water - it's not perfect, but not bad for a baby.  She points A LOT; I guess she hasn't quite figured out it isn't polite to point!

Cate will also eat anything.  She apparently becomes quite distraught at daycare if the other kids are eating something I haven't approved for consumption, and they usually give in and give it to her.  I can't say I blame them, she is quite persistent! And, yes, I do have a brush for this poor child, but her hair is always a mess (just like her mama's!)