25 December 2010

Baby's First Christmas!

Cate woke up early this morning, excited to see what Santa brought her.  That energy lasted until the stockings were opened, and then she was zonked out!
She was awake long enough to take some great pictures with mommy and daddy, and to see some snow...it didn't really stick, but I think we will still say baby's first Christmas was a white one! We think she made out pretty well in the gift department (as I am sure all babies do). She got lots of books, a playard, swim diapers, leg warmers (you can never have too many!), a musical table, lullaby cds, a glowing/musical sea horse, an old school stacker, and some monkey onesies (picked out by her daddy, naturally).
Overall, it was a very Merry Christmas, with lots of relaxing, good food, and some time spent at the Beyer's.  As I sit here typing, Cate is cooing away, tell me what a great day she had!

24 December 2010

The Night Before Christmas

So, this is something new I am going to try out to keep family and friends updated on baby Cate.  To give credit where it is due, I stole the idea from my friend Carl - his wife Amy is very diligent about updating their blog. 

Tomorrow is, of course, Cate's first Christmas.  We are all excited - even Cate who has been having trouble napping today with all the anticipation.

I'll keep this post short, but let me know if you have any thoughts on what you would like to know about Cate's exciting life!!