We went to our last baseball game of the year - we could hardly keep the kids in place and didn't sit in our seats at all. Max loved dancing to the music and clapping when everyone else did. Despite missing the playoffs, we still love our Nats and are already looking forward to the home opener in April!!

Just this weekend, we went to the pumpkin patch. It was a dreary day, but we had a break in rain and Cate didn't get too muddy picking out pumpkins! Afterwards, we went to the Variety Store Erick frequented as a kid (I admit, they had some good stuff).
Of course, I can't forget the kids' birthdays!! We celebrated Max turning one with a party at school and cupcakes at the football tailgate. He is walking all over the place and getting into everything. He loves stairs - he still needs to hold our hand to go up and down, of course, but if there are stairs, he wants to be on them. He tends to become DISTRAUGHT if one of us goes in the basement and doesn't invite him!! He also loves to climb on anything. He can even climb up and down the step ladder! Just last night he climbed up the kdis bookshelf, looked back and smiled like "look at me!!" He also waves goodbye, points a lot, and for some reason loves to put lids on stuff.
Cate had ice cream and presents on her birthday at home, a party at school the next day, and then a party at the Little Gym on the weekend. She has a group of girls that she considers her best friends (and most recently says no boys -- Erick is ok with that!). She has been adjusting to a lot of her friends going into a different class very well. She is also in a different class each week at the gym...now she goes in without mommy (yay for me!!). It is a sports class where they do 4 weeks blocks learning different skills (so far, soccer and golf). She is also doing a weekly soccer class through the daycare. She is starting to learn to argue her point a little too well. We finally got her to use a cup at dinner one night (instead of the sippy cup). The next night I tried to give her a cup again and she said "No - cup, sippy cup, cup, sippy cup. It's a pattern". I mean, who can argue with that! This weekend when we said she would have to watch her show on the Kindle because we were watching football she commented that we had been watching football and we needed to share!
The kids both had their doctor's appointments on the same day. Max weighed in at 22 lbs 15 oz (50%), 28 1/2" (10%), and his head is over 97% (may explain all the bruises from falling on it all the time!). Cate was 31 1/2 lbs, 36 3/4" which is pretty close to the 50% for both!
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