12 April 2013


Our "stay-cation" started with Easter weekend and the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. A year after Cate's first, she was still the youngest hunter, but much quicker this year!  Cate and I also dyed Easter Eggs and made sugar cookies.

On Sunday, Cate enjoyed going through her and Max's Easter baskets (it was almost as good as Christmas!).  We also went to the Aldersgate service where Cate promptly fell asleep and Max was anxious to get going!

After church, we headed into the Washington DC Hilton. Monday was the Washington Nationals Opening Day, our little family tradition (we even got interviewed by the local radio station on the way in talking about it being Cate's third opening day!) It was nice weather for most of the game, and we had a great time watching the Nats win. We met up with some friends at the end of the game including an former nanny who kept Cate entertained with stories and new games.

On a much colder Tuesday, we headed to the zoo. The gorilla house was a success, but otherwise we were reminded why we didn't bother to travel anywhere with a toddler and a baby...they were some cranky kids! Cate was an angel for Aunt Cami and Uncle Barney who we met out for dinner that night!!

We went to the Air and Space Museum and National Gallery on Wednesday- more fussiness, but Cate did enjoy stealing pebbles from inside the National Gallery! 

Max is getting faster and faster at scooting, plus can sit up really well now. He also can pull up to standing...a little early if you ask me! Erick even got him to "walk" around using Cate's shopping cart.  He has gotten his third tooth on the bottom and two are breaking through the top. He is very vocal (and loud!) and loves to say da-da.

Cate has started the "why" phase...suddenly she just started asking why about EVERYTHING. She is also starting teenage sassiness a little early. The other day Erick was telling her to do something and she kept looking around him, avoiding eye contact, saying "what's that noise, is that dada's voice??". She is finally to eat more than black beans and olives and loves Uncle Brent's ribs (and his doggie)!

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