We did a family costume of Dora and her friends for Halloween. Yes, Cate's hair looks dark because I sprayed it with brown hairspray! The kids did trick-or-treat at school, then we went to Miss Judy's neighborhood and even an outdoor "haunted house."
We finished up football season with a game at UNC over Thanksgiving then Army-Navy in Philly. The latter was cold with snow and freezing rain, so the kids and I stayed inside (much to Max's chagrin!)
Christmas was naturally a highlight, especially for Cate. I think they made out pretty well! We also went to a Christmas Eve service at our church's up and coming satellite location.

Max is over 16 months old now! At about 15 1/2 months he weighed in at 24 lbs 7 oz, and 29 1/2 inches (Cate was about 20 1/2 lbs and 29 1/4 inches at the same age!). As Dr. Ciampi said, his head is, well, really big! Just 3 weeks ago, I was saying how Max was only saying mama, dada plus a little bit of more and milk. Since then he has taken off with down, up book, baby, bana (banana), yea, and no, plus his first two-word phrase "all done". For a week and a half he has been saying Cate, which she loves!! He also can point to his nose, mouth, and ear (thanks to Erick!). He is in to everything, including couch cushions...
Cate continues to enjoy school, despite way-too-young bouts of "she said this or that" and worrying about what clothes she is wearing. She got her fall report card with all 3 out of 3s, except in using scissors correctly and writing her name. She has been practicing cutting ever since! She excels at recognizing and making patterns and apparently teaches her friends (thanks Team Umizoomi!). In October, she and I also did our first race together - a 5K (maybe next year she'll run, instead of riding in the stroller!!)
We are looking forward to some warm weather and baseball season is only 2 months away!!