Max's teeth are coming in...the first came in a little after 5 months and the second followed closely (my original report of a tooth a couple months ago was a false alarm!!). Along with that, he has started eating! He wasn't a fan of the cereal, so we skipped right to avocado, banana and sweet potatoes.
The food had been doing Max well. He weighed in at 18lbs, 7oz - 75th percentile, while his height is only 45th percentile! Shockingly, his head is in the 95th! (For comparison, Cate was 14lbs, 11oz at 6 months!!)
Cate's gone to two birthday parties in the past month and loves seeing her friends on the weekends. She also just started a "Jazzy Beasts" class at one of the places (the same place she had her birthday party). It is half dance positions, and half tumbling/gym time. This summer we are signed up for "Super Beasts" which is all in the gym area.
Cate has finally agreed to peeing in the toilet at school! She has been wearing cloth trainers and hasn't had an accident all week. We are still working on "poo-poo" - the only time she did at school was when I was there to pick her up.
Cate was excited to get a haircut, not so thrilled once we got there. She didn't let her wash it, but was good for the cut, I just had to hold her hand.
Cate can count to 30, but leaves out 13, 14, 15, and 16. She can also say her A, B, C's, but sometimes leaves out T, U, V, W! Winter hasn't been too exciting for snow...we did have one "snow" day, but it was a wet snow that melted quickly, so she didn't get an opportunity to play in the snow! She did get plenty of play time with Auntie Jen this past weekend, though!