The next weekend I took Cate and Max to a friend's 4-year-old's birthday party. Cate was a little intimidated by the big kid moon bounce, but enjoyed decorating pumpkins, drinking a Caprisun, and playing with the older girl's toys...she didn't want to leave! Cate even tried to look like one of the big girls!

The weekend before Halloween we went to Old Town Alexandria to go trick-or-treating at the shops. Cate was Abby from Sesame Street, and Max wore his Elmo onesie. Cate also got to wear her costume to daycare on Halloween day, plus trick-or-treating in Miss Judy's neighborhood that night. We tried to prep her on what to say, but she went to the first house, said "candy," then ran in their house! We are still trying to make our way through all the candy she got since we only let her have one per night after she eats dinner.
In November, Aunt Cami and Uncle Barnaby got to visit Cate and meet Max. We had a nice relaxing weekend and Cate is looking forward to spending more time with her godmother once they live closer!!
Finally, Max had his 2 month doctor's appointment this past week. He is a squishy little baby weighing in at 14lbs 6oz (97th percentile!!) and 22 1/2 inches long (only 45th percentile). He loves his naps...just like daddy!!