25 January 2011

Cate's First Week of "School"

School sounds better than daycare, doesn't it? Cate started a week ago today...with a two hour delay due to weather...meaning Erick had to take her by himself since I did not have a two hour delay.  Cate really seems to be happy there.  Each day I pick her up she is swinging and smiling. Three different staff members, including the manager, have mentioned that she always seems happy and that they love her laugh.  She apparently does fuss each time they change her diaper, something I attribute to her dislike of disposable diapers!  She ended up having two "first day of school" outfits due to a spitting-up incident!


Cate also rolled from back to front for the first time last Wednesday.  Over the weekend, she got a jumper which she definitely enjoys, although Erick had to put a phonebook under it so she could touch the ground (see, Bill, we did find a use for the phonebook!).  Eventually I'll learn how to post videos so you can see for yourselves!

Within the past week, Cate has slept through the night on 4 different nights! I still have not given in and fed her cereal, so I am happy she seems to be becoming a good sleeper all on her own.  She is even learning to read to herself (or at least help me read it to her!)

15 January 2011

Cate's Busy Life!

Cate has been so busy over these past few months...and not just eating, sleeping, and dirtying her adorable cloth diapers!  She has gotten to meet all of her grandparents (although not her great grandma, yet), her aunt and uncle, great aunt and uncle, and even her 2nd cousins once removed (okay, I have no idea if that is right).  That doesn't even include all of her mommy's and daddy's friends that have stopped by to visit (and some even teach her to play video games...thanks, Ryon).

Last weekend Cate got baptised at Aldersgate United Methodist Church.  This is the same church where Erick was confirmed and where I was baptised 4 years ago.  Cami and Erick's friend Doug made the trek down to be Cate's godparents.  Cate was wonderful, staying awake and quiet long enough to have the pastor show her off to the crowd, and then sleeping through the rest of the service.


Cate continues to impress with her reaching, grasping, laughing, interacting, and even trying to fly (with some help from Erick).  We are sure she will impress everyone she meets when she starts daycare this week!  I am, of course, already nervous about her first day at "school", but am confident we have picked a good place to take care of our little Cate!

02 January 2011

3 Months Old!

Baby Cate is 3 months old! I can't believe she is already that old, and yet it is hard to imagine we haven't known her longer than three months. She has done so much in the past month...she rolls front to back and from back to side. In fact, her side seems to have become her favorite position to sleep.

Cate loves to "talk" all the time, too - of course, only she knows what she is saying! She grabs at everything, and can actually hold on to stuff pretty well now.  This week she got to meet her Aunt Cami and Uncle Barnaby.  She has been demonstrating her newly found gripping skills on the gifts they brought.


We have had two non-consecutive nights where she slept 8 hours at one time! I am hoping to see more of those kind of nights! In the meantime, Erick has been working on the nursery, finishing the closet, hanging some stuff on the walls, and putting up a blind.